Outsourcing of IT Professionals, the option to work for projects

The need for professional outsourcing has been growing in recent years. The market has opened up to opt for this type of services since it can have it in defined periods and according to the internal needs of each organization.
And it is that there are dates in which more hands are required than in others. In general, companies and institutions that require qualified professionals for a specific period of time resort to outsourcing.
This is due to the fact that they embark on strategic projects but can not grow with plant professionals.
Nor are they permanent positions. We can say that, for now, the most demanded profiles are:
• Java and .NET developers;
• Also project managers and quality analysts.
• In many cases they require senior profiles, and with certifications.
At this point it could be said that Chilean professionals are certified less than foreigners.
Intergenerational teams
In fact, there are senior professionals who have the experience, but not the technical certifications.
On the other side we find junior profiles – especially the youngest ones, often just graduates – who have many certifications and diplomas, but do not have the experience.
However, practical experience is vital. Therefore, the ideal is a mixture of both.
Another positive factor that has given dynamism to the market are the foreign professionals -mainly Colombian and Venezuelan- who are very well prepared, with positive and well-valued disposition and flexibility.
It is undoubtedly a market that is on the rise, in which specialization is one of its main trends.
This has caused demand to migrate from human resources consultancies to companies that provide outsourcing of professionals that are much more specialized in certain areas and / or technologies; with an additional IT expertise.
Greater competition
Unfortunately, there is a strong price fight, which is negative: not necessarily the lowest price is synonymous with professional quality and sustainability to realize a project from start to finish.
It is also important to consider that the outsourcing requirement is directly related to the budget assigned to the IT area.
Hence, the challenge has to do with how to optimize that budget and how professionals improve their skills through certified knowledge and experience.
Suppliers, meanwhile, must also deliver a quality service, expert and specialized, backed, sustainable in the long term.
Users, meanwhile, have the challenge of not only opting for prices but also to achieve a more global vision that is compatible and sustainable with their needs.