Category: Technology
What are the challenges of Telework in Chile?
Remote or telework is defined as all work done outside the premises of companies. Some companies choose to move full-time employees to remote work.
+Behind every great app, there’s a big mobile backend
For every great application to work, it needs to have a great mobile Backend. For people who need to create a mobile app to start a business or service,...
+What are progressive web applications or PWA: A short guide to understanding them
We practically use them every day. When window shopping a phone case, on AliExpress or laughing with a meme on Twitter. If you have used both platforms,
+Personal Cybersecurity and Digital Identity: How to protect it?
We use it every day to get access to services quickly. Every time you need to use an online service, install an app, or entertain yourself with a game...
+How to apply agility to Apification?
Agile methodologies are here to stay. As mentioned in a previous note from Tecnova, the agile concept around software development projects
+What is Agile Inception: Dynamics to run it
On this path to know the agile processes, there are a few essential steps before developing any software project. A series of dynamics that will cement
+Social outburst as an eCommerce enhancer
The shopping habits after October 18 took a radical turn. Closed premises, difficulties in transport, changes in working hours, early closures, among other events
+Mutual de Seguridad / Security Mutual Success Case
The Security Mutual hired Tecnova to design and build the Mutual Integra system that consists of creating a component that functions as the “Inbox”,
+What is apification and how to apify my business?
If we mention “Application Programming Interfaces”, does it ring a bell, maybe it doesn’t !, but if we write APIs, you’ll remember what it means.
+Alex Lagos, CEO of Tecnova, for Chiletec Award: “The social impact of the PAE project puts the citizen at the center”
On January 8th, the XVII version of the Annual Dinner of Chiletec/XVII de la Cena Anual de Chiletec, was held, which awarded people,